Thursday, April 16, 2009

How can I get comfortable at my new job?

I just started a job last month. Its a good job, pays good, but there are lots of details involved that I'm still not used to. How long do you think it would take to get used to it? Sometimes I feel like I want another job, and other times I feel fine. Its also kind of hard for me to speak a lot since I can be timid at times. Have any of you ever felt like this?


Find out where the employees and especially the smokers go to take their breaks and hang out with them. It's a great way to make friends and meet people from other departments. You don't have to smoke, just take a coffee or something and listen to their stories and what they did the night before. It's a great way to connect into the cultural network of your workplace. Be sure if someone is complaining to be sympathetic but not agree too openly to everything they say. Every company has it's complainers. Keep a positive attitude about everything.

To answer your last question first, Yes! nearly all of us feel like that sometimes!

Think about how you felt when you were learning to drive a car. All of us were nervous, but after a while we learned the rules of the road, how the brakes worked, when we needed to honk the horn and switch on the windshield wipers :), but now we do these things without even thinking too much about them. . . . . .because, we KNOW. Confidence comes from knowing that you know! and the way to know is to ask questions, listen carefully to the answers, try them out to see if they work and make sense. What is really dumb is NOT to ask!

Give yourself time, reach out and help someone else, be friendly and polite, ask your supervisor how you're doing and ask if there is an area which needs improvement and how you can improve. Learn people's names and use them. Make up your mind to learn at least one new thing about your job every day. You don't say what sort of work you are doing. If it's repetitive work, it can be tiring so when you go home, be sure to do something more exhilarating. Also, make sure you eat properly. Eating properly can help your brain and body function at their best. Good luck. And don't give up!

It takes many people 3-6 months to get in the real swing of things at any job. I have a lot of experience in what I do, but it still take me time to get adjusted and comfortable. I've fealt the same way at a new job as you, but it will pass. Just give it some time.

Getting comfortable is easy

Bring a recliner to sit in

Get one of those mini refridgerators

keep it stocked with Beer and Munchies

Get a cot and be sure to take a nap every afternoon

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