Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What do you do if offered a job, but you still have more interviews to go to?

I have applied to several mall-stores in search on a seasonal job. I already have two interviews Monday. I want to work at the store they offers me the best hours and the best pay, as this will be supplementing my full-time job (they know this).

My question is, if I am offered the job at one of these interviews, is there any good way of telling them I am still interviewing at other places and will get back to them? Will that turn the potential employer off?


I would say if you are offered a seasonal job, you should take it. There are far more people looking for these jobs than there are jobs to be had. If you tell them I'll get back to you, they will just look at the next application and hire them.

You dont' need to say that you are still interviewing, just make yourself unavailable to start until all your interviews are finished. Tell the prospective employer that you will be available to start work on whatever day it is that gives you enough time to get in all your interviews.

If you are offered two jobs at the same time, though, you can tell both of those prospective employers that you have been offered something--if one deal is a little better than the other, they may match the benefits or deal to win you over.

just go to the ones that are important or pay the most

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