It'll be a phone interview to start with. If I do well, I might do a face to face interview.
What are some typical questions that they ask?
All I remember from my last interview was them asking me what was my greatest weakness and greatest strength.
They will ask what your future plans are with in the company, How you would handle a dispute between you and another employee, Why you want to make the move, and be careful here, if they think you may change your mind and return to Texas, it won't go well. If you have family there preferably older parents, or wife has a really good job offer, etc. They are big into ethics these days, the top salaries have affairs, lie, cheat and steal, and we have to take the ethics classes, study your literature from these classes. They may ask you about how you would avoid a situation that could be misconstrued as sexual harassment. What your position is on employee discipline. That's all I can think of for now.
Take a look of this one:
i found it really interesting!
These are some questions I asked of Systems Engineers when they came for an interview.
1) Why do you want to join my company?
2) Why are you considering leaving your present employer?
3) What can you offer my company workwise?
4) Do you sulk if you are told off?
Technical questions would then be asked by myself together with the manager of the hardware and/or the software dept.
Technical qualifications would be discussed together with any other academic or personal achievments. Generally the applicant would be allowed to chat and possibly dig him/herself a hole from which they (hopefully) would recover.
This is generally a ploy to test a persons honesty. Clive
Interview questions
Interview guide
Interview tips
Be prepared to have concise answers to questions along the lines of
Tell me about a time you had conflict with coworker and how you resolved problem.
Explain how you would handle particular situation
Tell me about how you did such and so.....
The questions may not all be the type you can answer with facts.
Be honest enough to say you don't know the answer if that is the case.
Approach the interview with the mindset that you are bringing a lot of good qualities with you and offering your skills to them, rather than standing with your hat in your hand begging for a job. You are looking to further your career and help them, too.
Best Wishes
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