Most of us in the nonprofit field do it because we are passionate about a certain cause, group or issue. Be forewarned -- nonprofit jobs pay less than corporate jobs, and female executive directors of nonprofits make far less than male executive directors.
Here are some of the nonprofit jobs you might consider with a bachelors degree
Grant writer
Executive director (of a small to midsized nonprofit)
Manager of finance, or stewardship, special events, sponsorships, etc.
Communications/public relations liaison
You will meet some amazing, highly committed people in the nonprofit world. Its not for everyone but if you think you might be interested perhaps you could find an internship for a few months and try it on for size. Pick an organization that does something you truly believe in.
Good luck to you.
Like the other person said, non profits do pay their employees. What about something not so specific though, like a business administration degree or something similar. Non profits are great, but if it isn't something for you after working for a non-profit, it might look better to other perspective employers to have a degree that would pertain more to them. Could you minor in Non-profit administration? Other great majors for those working for a Non-profit would be accounting, communications or public relations.
Working in the Non-Profit area is not about making money, it is about providing a service. If living off a career is your primary concern I would suggest your stay in the world or for profit Business. A Bachelors isn't worth much anymore you will need a Masters in Business Administration and even then there are no promises.
Nonprofit organizations pay their staff, same as any other organization. If you are thinking of switching, then you should talk to your college advisor or someone in the nonprofit administration department to find out more about what you can expect from the field.
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