Thursday, April 16, 2009

How can I make time for job interviews around my full time work schedule?

I already have a full time job, but I'm searching for something better. I'm finding it hard to schedule job interviews since I am working all day. I've tried squeezing them in my lunch break, but sometimes the interviews go longer than the 1 hour I have for lunch.

I used my vacation time for interviews. I would schedule a half day off.

you could try to schedule a ton of job interviews on one day and take the day off sick from work.

if it's a promising job then is worth coming up with any excuse

You suddenly contracted a serious illness which requires you to frequently visit your doctor....

Or......your dog has recently contracted a serious illness etc.....

My car needs to be dropped off at the shop.....

Schedule them after work...

If I were you, on that day i will ask my boss to extend my lunch break hour.. not every day just on interview day.. if u find the better job, quit the old jobs... or maybe u can quit the old jobs first, then find the other one

well just get a day off and maybe youll get an interveiw in lets see maybe schedule it on wendsday and that way youll get the interveiw

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