Hey Heather, Here's what you do. Before he is discharged, he needs to go to the DAV or the VFW. They can be found that the same building as the VA Benefits office or at the VA hospital or through your county offices. Ask for a "Vet Rep". They will get his paperwork though and they will make sure he is getting all the benefits your family is entitled to. And don't worry about if you are not in your hometown, they can transfer all the paperwork back home.
Anything else I can help you with, shoot me an e-mail and I'll see what I can do.
Construction and federal or state gov't jobs. Not to be pessimistic but this is the hard honest truth. I got out in '05 after four years in Marine infantry and I tried college before doing roofing. I dropped out because the G.I Bill didn't cover close to enough of the costs and because I couldn't stand 18 year old kids fresh from high school. The G.I. Bill will soon provide much more money so if your husband can stand the 18 year olds then he can take the college route. Thanks to the classes I took while I was in the service I dropped out of college 3 credits shy of an A.A. so make sure he takes advantages of the course while he's in.
Gov't Sector- The great thing about becoming a cop when you're out of the military is because there's very little transition. He's already familiar with guns and the lifestyle regiment of the work schedule. Additionally he would get paid more because his military experience would actually count. The final icing on the cake is that his time in the service would count towards his retirement ie. 4 years of military would mean 16 years as a cop before he is eligible to retire.
Private Security- Everyone thinks that they're Rambo and Blackwater will hire them in a heart beat. Sorry to say that doesn't happen as often as people think. I know a guy I got out with who is working for Wackenhut (like Blackwater but lesser known). He is not overseas rappelling out of Blackhawks looking for Osama but guarding a mall in Ohio. Pay is decent but not what most people expect.
Construction- Like I said earlier, I went back to working on roofs after getting out, going to college and doing a couple months running security in New Orleans after the storm. Now I'm selling roof contracts instead of slaving on top of roofs. If your husband gets in to construction then he's fully capable of learning the trade and moving up through the ranks. Construction is not a dead end job is all I'm trying to say.
In summary, there's plenty of options out there but there's also the reality that his experience with weapons doesn't carry over to a cushy desk job without college. There's plenty of groups out there that will help veterans get a job after getting out, the catch is to use them. Feel free to contact me if you need further info
As an former infantryman of 16 years, he will and can do anything since the training he has will cause to excel in adversity. Look at President Eisenhower, GEN Pertraeus, Ret. GEN Colin Powell and hundreds of other famous former infantrymen. All he needs to do is apply himself, learn new skills and not listen to people who say all he can do is be a cop, secruity guad in a mall or a mailman.
If he WANTS similar work with out the military redtape, then good contracting jobs are available. Companies such as DynCorp, ITT, and KBR (there is more in the world than BlackwaterUSA and they normally want to the best and those with Special Ops backgrounds) will hire a good, experienced grunt for security jobs here and abroad. College or Vo-Techs are good ways to learn a new skill or two and then apply them. It will be rough at first, but he will be alright. Tell him to join a good VFW or American Legion and those guys will help him network. ACAP use is a most!
Tell him to look into companies that have large defense contracts. There are countless career aveues in these large corporations, and they often recruit soldiers into positions that will interact with the military. The first one that comes to mind is Dyncorp... but he should also look at KBR, Fluor Daniel and Halliburton. Good luck!
As a young American he should look to obtain work while he gains education or training for his future. Many police and fire departments are places where veterans do well. People who are able to fix things are always valuable to society.
I was able to get three degrees with the help of the GI bill many years ago; he should look into that option.
I am an Army Special forces. Things to look for when he gets out....Policeman, fireman, blackwater security, etc. Anything in that matter he will excel at. Unless he wants to go back to college and find something else.
He could join the police, or any other federal agency, (FBI, NSA, CIA, or any others). He could also become an instructor in ROTC depending on what rank he had when he retired.
He should go to college and get his BA which will open many doors for him. After serving active duty he should be eligible for GI Bill and other programs to help with college.
Make sure he goes to ACAP and they will be able to help him out alot.
Also this site can help translate military skills into civilian ones.
He must go back to school and learn a trade or skill. Light Weapons Infantrymen are a dime a dozen, I'm afraid. His only other career choice is Army.
Digging a ditch he'll never get rich he is a son of a ***** when you leave the Army now.
Postal service. Police work.
Public stuff. He got an advantage over others.
Post Office. You get extra points on the aptitude test for being in the military (seriously).
cop. restaurant manager, fed law enforcement
Mall security or McDonalds. Infantrymen are not taught any skills other than combat. Sad but true.
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