How can I get a job training the police dogs? Do you have to be a cop?
What do you think a job like that pays? Is it a full time thing?
I took some time to think about this in order to give you as honest and non sarcastic of an answer as I could. You must really want to do this or you wouldn't have asked, right?? So that being said, I'll proceed with my answer.
No you don't have to be a law enforcement officer to train the police dogs. Keep in mind that it will be nearly impossible to get your foot in the door, because there are several vendors- those are the companies who sell the departments their dogs- who offer training academies to departments who have new dogs and handlers; attached are a few links to look at. Those departments who don't use these academies have their own trainers or use another department who has trainers. As a virtual unknown, you won't be able to even get started unless you have an inside contact and even then, would a department really take a risk like that not knowing anything about you or your credentials if you have any? And as the trainer, EVERYTHING you train into the dogs and handlers will be subject to litigation in the event one of the handlers gets sued. You can't just call yourself a trainer, and there is case law that supports that.
My suggestion (if you're serious about this) would be to contact Wendell Nope. Wendell is director of Utah POST service dog program and is the only certified teaching judge in the United States. A link to his web site is also below. At his school, one of the many courses offered is a certified trainers course, although I believe it's only offered to comissioned officers; but if anyone can give you guidance on this, it's Wendell. He is pretty much the expert in any facet of police dogs. Good luck
Yes you have to be a police officer and the k9 is your dog,you have to take care of him and train him and take him to obedience classes and everything.
Yes that is a real job but you have to work your way up into the K-9 Department of the Police. You don't just start there. You start as an officer.
The San Jose Police Department is currently hiring people.
I recommend that you apply for a job as a Police Officer.
If you love animals you don't train them to hurt people. That is abuse. they are innocent like children.
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